Miriam Feuersinger

The soprano Miriam Feuersinger is considered among the most interesting interpreters of the sacred baroque repertoire in the German language. In great demand at international festivals and ensembles, she has sung under the baton of renowned conductors such as Savall, Marcon, Lutz, Rademann, Prégardien and Koopman. He has a particular admiration for Bach's Cantatas and Passions and interprets a broad spectrum of sacred music, from Baroque to late Romanticism and the German lied. Among other awards, he was awarded the Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik in 2014, the ECHO Klassik 2014 and the OPUS Klassik in 2022.



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Settimane Musicali di Ascona

c/o Organizzazione turistica
Lago Maggiore e Valli


Casella postale / P.O. Box
CH 6600 Locarno


de la Suisse 091 759 76 65
de l'étranger +41 91 759 76 65



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