74ème édition 2019
16 Septembre 2019

Marc-André Hamelin

Marc-André Hamelin piano


Omaggio ad Alexis Weissenberg

Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco (1895 – 1968)



Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856)

Fantasia in do maggiore op.17


Alexis Weissenberg (1929 – 2012)

sei arrangiamenti di chansons di Charles Trenet

Coin de rue, Vous oubliez votre cheval, En avril à Paris, Boum!, Vous qui passez sans me voir, Ménilmontant


Gabriel Fauré (1845 – 1924)

Nocturne n.6 in re bemolle maggiore, op.63 (1894)


Fréderic Chopin (1810 – 1849)

Polonaise n.7 in la bemolle maggiore op.61 'Polonaise-fantaisie'

Scherzo n.4 in mi maggiore, op.54




From Schumann, Chopin and Fauré to the icon of French chanson, Charles Trenet. The internationally renowned Canadian pianist Marc-André Hamelin tributes Alexis Weissenberg, one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century and composer, who lived in Ticino for many years.


Marc-André Hamelin


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