Filippo Gorini

Italian pianist Filippo Gorini is praised for his “rare intellect, temperament, and vivid imagination”. In 2015 he received both the first and audience prizes at the Telekom-Beethoven Competition Bonn, and later in May 2018 the prestigious award “Una vita per la musica - Giovani” of the “La Fenice” Theatre; he has also received the Beethoven-Ring Prize at the Beethovenfest, Bonn (2017), the award of the “Young Euro Classic” Festival in Berlin (2016), and First Prize at the “Neuhaus Competition” of the Moscow Conservatory (2013).


Filippo’s debut disc featuring Beethoven’s Diabelli Variations, released in August 2017 on Alpha Classics, has garnered critical acclaim, including a Diapason d'Or Award and stellar reviews on The Guardian, BBC Music Magazine, Le Monde, Gramophone and more.


During the upcoming 18/19 season, Filippo will perform in Canada and the US as well as numerous important recitals throughout Europe. He will also perform with the Vlaanderen Orkester (Beethoven Third Concerto), Orchestra Verdi of Milan (Brahms Second Concerto) and Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana (Beethoven First Concerto).


His concert appearances in Europe have drawn unanimous acclaim. He has performed on many prestigious stages such as the Konzerthaus Berlin, Leipzig Gewandhaus, Laeiszhalle and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Paris Philharmonie, Tonhalle in Zurich, Società del Quartetto di Milano, Flagey Studio Brussels, Royal Academy of Music London, Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Beethovenhalle Bonn, and Sale Apollinee at Teatro La Fenice in Venice. Alongside his solo career, Filippo continues to perform as a chamber musician: in 2016 he performed at “Chamber Music Connects the World” in Kronberg, with Steven Isserlis, and more recently with Marc Bouchkov at the Munich Reithalle. He has collaborated also with the famous actor Klaus Maria Brandauer.


His concerts and CD recording have been broadcasted by prestigious radio stations in Europe, such as RadioClassica in Italy, Deutsche Welle and NDR in Germany, RTÉ Lyric FM in Ireland, Radio2 in Poland. He has performed with orchestras such as Klassiches Philharmonisches Orchester and Beethoven Orchester of Bonn, Philharmonisches Orchester Vorpommern, Westdeutsche Sinfonia, Haydn Orchester Bozen, Liechtenstein Symphony Orchestra, National Slovak Philharmonic, Gyeonggi Philharmonic, with conductors Daejin Kim, Min Chung, Herbert Beissel, and many more.


After graduating with honours from the Donizetti Conservatory in Bergamo, and completing a Postgraduate Course at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg, Filippo continues his studies with Maria Grazia Bellocchio and Pavel Gililov, and is mentored by Alfred Brendel. He is a scholarship recipient of the Lichtenstein Music Academy.


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