Palazzo Società Elettrica Sopracenerina (SES)
Concert tickets: 20 CHF

Introduction to the concert by Barbara Tartari

Federico Gad Crema


Federico Gad Crema piano

Claude Debussy (1862–1918)

Images (libro 1)

Robert Schumann (1810–1856)

Fantasie op.17 in do maggiore

Thomas Adès (*1971)

Mazurkas, op. 27

Aleksander N. Scriabin (1872 - 1915)

Fantasie in si minore op.28

Over the course of just a quarter of a century, the stock of pianist Federico Gad Crema has risen exponentially, accumulating a series of major successes along the way: his début at La Scala in Milan in 2018, concerts and tours with top international orchestras, and the founding in 2023 of the Peace Orchestra Project, a fantastic initiative based on the concept of using the evocative power of sound and music to foster community integration. The exciting (and challenging) programme he has chosen spans nineteenth-century grandeur (Schumann’s and Scriabin's Fantasies), impressionist light and shade (Debussy's first book of Images) and a disorienting mazurka by contemporary British composer Thomas Adès.

En savoir davantage

Federico Gad Crema

Settimane Musicali di Ascona

c/o Organizzazione turistica Lago Maggiore e Valli

Casella postale / P.O. Box
CH 6600 Locarno – Switzerland


dalla Svizzera 0848 091 091
dall’estero +41 848 091 091




© Organizzazione turistica Lago Maggiore e Valli