Theodora, Terpsicore, Joseph and his Brethren, The Triumph of Time & Truth and Semele are just some of the 24 oratorios the great Handel composed during his long life: an exciting blend of overtures and gorgeous vocal arias, mixed with dances, passacaglias and sarabandes, which are some of his best instrumental works.This mix of mythological roots, hagiographical ideas and biblical tales was once the British public's undisputed favourite genre, and today it provides an unmissable collection of baroque sounds, universally considered a paragon of beauty. Taking on this exciting programme is the Jupiter Ensemble, which has recently released a Handel record of its own, described as “a baroque West Side Story”, featuring Thomas Dunford and the highly acclaimed mezzo-soprano Lea Desandre.
Jupiter is supported by Fondation Orange, Cartier, Centre National de la Musique (CNM), SPEDIDAM and ADAMI. Jupiter is in residence at the Fondation Singer Polignac (Paris).