Susanne Bernhard

Susanne Bernhard

Soprano Susanne Bernhard from Munich started studying voice in 1995 at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich.

Since the beginning of her studies she took part in numerous productions of the Bayerische Theaterakademie. In 1997 she made her debut as Susanna in Mozart´s Le Nozze di Figaro in Munich´s Prinzregententheater.

In 2000, at the age of 23, she became member of the ensemble of the Opera House Kiel and performed in numerous roles, amongst others, as “Lisa” in Schreker´s Christophorus and as „Violetta“ in Verdi’s „La Traviata“. She guest performed in several Opera Houses and in 2008 made her debut in the Frankfurt Opera with the role of „Violetta“ in Verdi's „Traviata” . At the Dresden State Opera she performed as “Isotta” in Richard Strauss‘ „Schweigsame Frau“.

Besides her artistic activities as opera singer Susanne Bernhard dedicates herself to Lied, Oratoria and Concert singing. Her manifold engagements in this field led her, amongst others, to cooperation with the Georgian Chamber Orchestra (Markus Pschner), Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele, Stuttgart Bachakademie (Helmut Rilling), Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Russian National Orchestra, Herrenchiemsee Festival (Enoch zu Guttenberg and Ljubka Biagioni zu Guttenberg), Chorgemeinschaft Neubeuern (Enoch zu Guttenberg), Rheingau-Musikfestival, Menuhin-Festival Gstaad, Beethovenfest Bonn, Bamberg Symphony (Jonathan Nott), Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, Bremen Philharmonic Orchestra, Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra (Michael Sanderling), Hamburg and Munich Symphonic, Camerata Salzburg, La Verdi Orchestra Milano (Gaetano d‘Espinosa), Saarländischer Rundfunk, Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra under Eiji Oue, New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra (Ingo Metzmacher), NHK Tokyo Orchestra, as well as with OSESP Orchestra Sao Paulo and Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and Choir. She repeatedly was guest at the WDR Symphony Orchestra Cologne, for example under the baton of Semyon Bychkovs and Jukka Pekka Sarastes and in the context of a big Japan Tour under Yutaka Sados.

Upcoming engagements include, amongst others, concerts with Mainz Bach Choir (Ralf Otto), Philharmonic Choir Berlin (Jörg-Peter Weigle), mdr Leipzig, concerts with Enoch zu Guttenberg, performances at the Rheingau Music Festival, Menuhin Festival Gstaad, Herrenchiemsee Festival as well als concerts under the baton of Neeme Järvi and operatic concert performances with the Munich Radio Orchestra under the baton of Ulf Schirmer.

Numerous TV and radio recordings as well as CD recordings document her artistic work.

These include a recording of sacred songs and arias (Oehms), Beethoven's „Missa solemnis“ under the baton of Enoch zu Guttenberg (Farao), a complete opera recording of J. Myslivececk’s „Medonte“ (deutsche harmonia mundi/Sony) as well as a recording of Britten´s Folksongs (Rondeau, Maria Graf, Regensburger Domspatzen Boys' Choir).


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