74th edition 2019
04 October 2019

Quartetto Emerson

Michael Collins clarinet

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791

Quartetto n.21 in re maggiore KV575

 (Philip Setzer, I violin)

Antonin Dvorak (1841 – 1904)

Quartetto n.10 in mi bemolle maggiore op.51
(Eugene Drucker, I violin)


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 17919)

Quintetto in la maggiore per clarinetto e quartetto d’archi KV581
(Eugene Drucker, I violin)

More than 30 acclaimed records, nine Grammys, one of the world’s most important chamber ensembles over the past 40 years: the Emerson Quartet returns to Ascona with the acclaimed Paul Meyer, soloist in Mozart’s clarinet quintet and string quartet.

Emerson String Quartet

Emerson String Quartet

Michael Collins


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