Mario Venzago

Mario Venzago has led the Winterthur Symphony Orchestra, the Heidelberg Opera House, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the Graz Opera House and Philharmonic Orchestra, the Basel Symphony Orchestra, the Basque National Orchestra San Sebastian, the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra and the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra as Chief Conductor/Music Director: From 2000 to 2003 he succeeded Pinchas Zukerman and David Zinman as Artistic Director of the Baltimore Summer Music Fest.


Mario Venzago's distinguished career has included engagements with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, the orchestras of Philadelphia and Boston, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, the Filarmonica della Scala and the NHK Symphony Orchestra, as well as other prestigious orchestras. In the season 2014/15 he will conduct, amongst others, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the Danish National Symphony Orchestra, the Malmo Symphony Orchestra, the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Frankfurt Opera and the Zurich Chamber Orchestra.  


Venzago has performed with renowned artists including Martha Argerich, Nelson Freire, Gidon Kremer, Lang Lang, Radu Lupu, Misha Maisky, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Gil Shaham, Christian Tetzlaff, Maxim Vengerow, Thomas Zehetmair, Krystian Zimerman and Frank Peter Zimmermann, and with many of the world`s finest singers and stage directors.


Maestro Venzago’s varied discography has earned him several major awards, including the Grand Prix du Disque, the Diapason d´Or and the Edison Prize. His recordings of the operas ‘Venus’ and ‘Penthesilea’ and the whole choral oeuvre of Othmar Schoeck were highly acclaimed and earned several prizes, as did his first feature film ‘My Brother the Conductor’ by Alberto Venzago. At present he is working on a complete recording of all ten Bruckner symphonies for CPO, a project entitled ‘The Other Bruckner’, already highly acclaimed by the international critics.


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