
Aziz Shokhakimov

Aziz Shokhakimov is Music Director to the Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg and Artistic Director to the Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra. During 2015 – 2021 he held the position of Kapellmeister to the Deutsche Oper am Rhein. His guest conducting has included orchestras such as the London Philharmonic, NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester, WDR SInfonieorchester Köln, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, and hr-Sinfonieorchester. In North America he has conducted the Toronto, Houston and the Utah Symphonies.


Recent and forthcoming engagements include Orchestre National de France, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Berlin Konzerthaus Orchester, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, RAI Turin, Basel Symphony Orchestra, Seattle and Kansas City Symphony Orchestras and Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.


Aziz Shokhakimov is equally prolific in the operatic repertoire and 22/23 will see his debut with Opera National de Paris conducting Donizetti’s Lucia de Lammermoor. During his tenure with Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg he will conduct an opera production per season – and in 22/23 this will feature Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tale of Tsar Saltan. As Kapellmeister at Deutsche Oper am Rhein he conducted a new production of The Queen of Spades, Madame Butterfly, Salome and Tosca among others.


Shokhakimov has an ongoing relationship with Salzburg Festival where, having been selected from more than 100 candidates, he won the prestigious Salzburg Festival Young Conductors Award in August 2016. He returned to the Salzburg Festival in August 2017 for the prize-winner’s concert with RSO Wien and conducted the Opening Ceremony of Salzburg Festival with Patricia Kopatchinskaja in 2019.


Born in 1988 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Shokhakimov entered the Uspensky Music School for Gifted Children at the age of 6, studying violin, viola and orchestral conducting (in the class of Professor Vladimir Neymer). At 13 he made his debut with the National Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan, conducting Beethoven’s Symphony No.5 and Liszt’s Piano Concerto No.1. During the following year he conducted his first opera, Carmen, at the National Opera of Uzbekistan. He was appointed Assistant conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Uzbekistan in 2001 and became its Principal Conductor in 2006. In 2010, at the age of just 21, Shokhakimov won second place at the Gustav Mahler International Conducting Competition in Bamberg, under the auspices of the Bamberger Symphoniker.






Settimane Musicali di Ascona

c/o Organizzazione turistica Lago Maggiore e Valli

Casella postale / P.O. Box
CH 6600 Locarno – Switzerland


dalla Svizzera 0848 091 091
dall’estero +41 848 091 091




© Organizzazione turistica Lago Maggiore e Valli