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78th edition 2023
18 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Orchestra della Svizzera italiana

Fabien Gabel conductor
Håkan Hardenberger trumpet
Bertrand Chamayou piano

78th edition 2023
16 September
Cinema Gran Rex, Locarno

Pierino e il lupo - Children's concert

Orchestra Sinfonica G. Rossini
Noris Borgogelli conductor and narrator
Music by S. Prokof’ev

78th edition 2023
14 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Les Siècles

François-Xavier Roth conductor
Isabelle Faust violin

78th edition 2023
10 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Incontri - musica da camera

Augustin Hadelich violin
Sonia Wieder-Atherton cello
Francesco Piemontesi piano

78th edition 2023
09 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Incontri - musica da camera

Augustin Hadelich violin
Imogen Cooper piano
Sonia Wieder-Atherton cello

78th edition 2023
08 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Incontri - musica da camera

Ian Bostridge tenor
Imogen Cooper piano
Sonia Wieder-Atherton violoncello
Francesco Piemontesi piano

78th edition 2023
06 September
Palazzo Società Elettrica Sopracenerina (SES)

An Evening With Francesco Piemontesi

78th edition 2023
05 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Peace Orchestra Project

Ricardo Castro conductor
Marc-André Hamelin piano
Francesco Piemontesi piano
Alexandra Achillea Pouta mezzo-soprano

77th edition 2022
08 October
Palazzo Società Elettrica Sopracenerina (SES)

Debut Serie

Yoav Levanon piano

77th edition 2022
04 October
Church San Francesco Locarno

Le Concert des Nations

Jordi Savall conductor

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Settimane Musicali di Ascona

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Lago Maggiore e Valli


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CH 6600 Locarno


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