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72th edition 2017
02 October
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Isabelle Faust | Andreas Staier

Isabelle Faust, violin

Andreas Staier, piano

72th edition 2017
30 September

Alberto Ferro, piano

Serie Début

72th edition 2017
29 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana

Dir. Vladimir Ashkenazy

Andrew Tyson (Géza Anda Prix 2015), piano

72th edition 2017
25 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Hommage à Liszt

Louis Lortie, piano

Francesco Piemontesi, piano

72th edition 2017
23 September
Palazzo Società Elettrica Sopracenerina (SES)

Nadège Rochat, cello | Rafael Aguirre, classic guitar

Serie Début

72th edition 2017
22 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Quartetto Modigliani

Amaury Coeytaux & Loïc Rio, violin

Laurent Marfaing, viola

François Kieffer, cello

72th edition 2017
15 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Orchestra Filarmonica di San Pietroburgo

Dir. Yuri Temirkanov

Francesco Piemontesi, piano

72th edition 2017
11 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana

Dir. Reinhard Goebel

Sergei Nakariakov, trumpet / flugelhorn

72th edition 2017
08 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Orchestre National de France

Dir. Emmanuel Krivine

Bertrand Chamayou, piano

72th edition 2017
04 September
Church San Francesco Locarno


Dir. Teodor Currentzis

Julia Lezhneva, mezzo-soprano

Catriona Morison, mezzo-soprano

Thomas Cooley, tenor

Tareq Nazmi, bass

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