
Archive editions

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70th edition 2016
12 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Stephen Kovacevich

Artist in residence

70th edition 2016
08 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Czech Philharmonic

Dir. Jiří Bělohlávek

Hilary Hahn, violin

70th edition 2016
05 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

London Symphony Orchestra

Dir. Gianandrea Noseda

Philip Cobb, trumpet

70th edition 2015
16 October
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Orchestra della Svizzera italiana

Pablo Gonzalez

Maurice Steger, recorder

70th edition 2015
09 October
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Miklos Perenyi, cello & Benjamin Perenyi, piano

70th edition 2015
05 October
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Apollon Musagète Quartet

70th edition 2015
01 October
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

"Suoni di Venezia" | Maurice Steger & friends

Maurice Steger, recorder player & conductor

Fiorenza de Donatis, Baroque violin

Daniele Carminati, tiorba & Baroque guitar

Mauro Valli, Baroque cello

Sebastian Wienand, harpsichord

70th edition 2015
28 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Jan Vogler & Francesco Piemontesi

70th edition 2015
21 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Kammerorchester Basel

Heinz Holliger

András Schiff, piano

70th edition 2015
19 September
Palazzo Società Elettrica Sopracenerina (SES)

Herbert Schuch, piano & Lena Neudauer, violin

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Lago Maggiore e Valli


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