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73th edition 2018
18 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra Amsterdam Baroque Choir

Ton Koopman conductor
Martha Bosch soprano
Maarten Engeltjes countertenor
Tilman Lichdi tenor
Klaus Mertens bass

73th edition 2018
15 September
Teatro di Locarno Locarno

Tino Flautino e il gatto Leo

Maurice Steger flutes
Annina Sedláček narrator
Jan Schultsz piano
Fiorenza de Donatis violin

73th edition 2018
14 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Francesco Piemontesi

Francesco Piemontesi piano

73th edition 2018
13 September

Les Années de Pèlerinage Première Année - Suisse

Bruno Monsaingeon’s Film Première

with Francesco Piemontesi

73th edition 2018
10 September
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Orchestra della Svizzera italiana

Jérémie Rhorer conductor
Augustin Hadelich violin

73th edition 2018
06 September
Church San Francesco Locarno

Tonhalle Orchester Zürich

Krzysztof Urbański conductor
Daniel Müller-Schott cello

73th edition 2018
02 September

Introduction to the Mozart Concert with Francesco Piemontesi

Ristorante Green da Lorenzo

Golf Club Gerre Losone

72th edition 2017
17 October
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Nelson Freire, piano

72th edition 2017
09 October
Church Collegio Papio Ascona

Coro della Radiotelevisione svizzera & I Barocchisti

Dir. Diego Fasolis

72th edition 2017
06 October
Church San Francesco Locarno

Orchestra Aurora

Dir. Nicholas Collon

Stephen Kovacevich, piano

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Lago Maggiore e Valli


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